The most comprehensive library of disclosure data extracted from US companies' SEC filings, CSR reports, and organizational documents
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Corporations use our comprehensive corporate disclosure datasets (and a user-friendly suite of benchmarking and analytical tools) to elevate their extra-financial performance and strengthen key stakeholder relations. Our platform empowers compensation committees of the board, legal counsel and corporate secretaries, HR departments, investor relations and communications specialists, and sustainability or CSR officers to:
Including board composition and leadership, new and first-time directors, director election and removal, and overboarding policies.
Including shareholder proposals, proponents, voting outcomes, say-on-pay votes, director election results, and SEC no-action requests.
Including age and age groups, gender, race (ethnicity), sexual orientation, citizenship, tenure, qualifications and skills.
Including SCT figures, compensation mixes, annual and LTI plan features, PvP and pay ratio disclosures, and say-on-pay votes.
Including metric integration types (stand-alone, scorecards, discretionary), metric weightings, impact on payout, ESG modifiers.
Including compensation for committee service and leadership, equity-based elements, perquisites, and stock ownership guidelines.
Including atmospheric emissions, (GHG, CO2, NOX, particulate, and more), water, energy, and electricity consumption, waste management and recycling.
Including diversity in management and the workforce, employee health & safety figures, business ethics policies, labor practices (incl. employee turnover figures), charitable and political contributions.
Including turnover rates, placement types, tenure, unvoluntary (or disciplinary departures), joint election of CEO and board chair, co-CEOs and interim CEOs, departing and incoming CEO demographics.
To visualize hundreds of historical disclosure trends by market index, GICS business sectors, annual revenue, and asset value.
To effectively source ESG- and HCM-related information across hundreds of thousands of SEC filings, CSR reports, and organizational documents.
To enable peer comparative analyses and vulnerability assessments.
To screen for companies with specific ESG disclosures or shareholder activities.
To review comprehensive ESG- and HCM-related profiles of companies, executives, and directors.
To keep track of companies at the forefront of emerging extra-financial disclosures.
To retrieve proxy-disclosed peers and composed custom peer groups.
Reports, briefs, and quick takes to analyze new disclosure data and delve into evolving practices.
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